Friday, July 15, 2011

Faro and Why It Reminds Me of My Deck

With this blog I have to own up to some deplorably Polish behavior. I had a Greek Orzo salad from Whole Foods the other day and it was delicious. Well actually it was delivered by my study-buddy (a phrase I abhor btw) along with a Starbucks (jealous? You should be!). So naturally I had to make it myself. Could it easily be purchased from Whole Foods? Yes. Would that be less work then procuring all of the ingredients to make it? Yes. Does that mean that I will not endeavor to make it myself when it is so easily available? Yeah no.
See this is a hallmark of the Polish-American tradition. Having to make things when they can easily be made by someone else. We are similarly stubborn about scarfs, and other knit wear, furniture, home repair, concrete decks. Case in point: our deck, due to some negligent building, rotted out after a few years of rain pooling by the house, rotting the sill, and causing massive flooding in out basement. The solution: replace the sill, break-up and remove the concrete, and rebuild the patio. And did we have any outside help, NO. This is the Red and White cross I had to bare.
But I digress, this inability to purchase food that has already been prepared lead me to make my own Greek Orzo Salad. I substituted the Orzo for Faro (healthier and lower calorie) and opted to not cook the spinach and instead use fresh baby spinach.

“I’m a Polack” Greek Faro Salad
½ Cup Faro
- Boil 3 cups of water with 1 tsp salt. When it boils, stir in the faro. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 45 minutes.
In a large bowl combine Red Wine Vinegar, salt and pepper, and whisk in Extra-Virgin Olive Oil.
Add: 1 cup baby spinach, chiffonade
½ cup diced feta cheese
½ cup halved cherry tomatoes
1 tbsp fresh thyme
1/3 cup pitted, diced kalamata olives
And all the cooked faro.
Toss and serve.
It came out pretty good, albeit different than the original.

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