Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ill-conceived Ideas During Finals

Do I hate myself? yes! Has law school ruined my ability to make smart educated decisions? Yes! Do I want to cry the week before Christmas? Apparently!
Why you ask?

Well tomorrow morning I take my last final of the semester. Internet Law. All day today I will be working on, reading over the outline, and doing practice tests. Today will basically suck. Then tomorrow, at 9, I will sit down for the final. sound fun? It gets better. Just in case this didn't suck enough, apparently the temperature is going to drop and it's going to flurry all this afternoon and all tomorrow. So my normally annoying hour drive now has a superfun snow component (one that will not effect whether I actually have the stupid final mind you)so to make sure I don't end up late for the final, or make it just in time mid-panic attack, I will probably have to leave for the final at 7 rather then 8 to make sure I'm there on time. AHHHHHHH

But when it is over, around noon, I will officially be ready to enjoy the Christmas season. I'm sure I'm not the only person who finds it hard to celebrate this time of year until finals/year end reports/etc are done. I mean what is more depressing when your facing a mountian of work then thinking about all the fun you could be having instead. So when I am done with this mess, I look foward to doing all the celebrating I've been missing. And what does your humble blogger decide to do then......

Take on retarded hard culinary challenges. I guess I have to make sure this holiday season isn't too relaxed.

The first of these insane indevourse is a Bouche De Noel. Here is a recipe and picture curtesy of Martha. This might not be the recipe I follow but anything with a video of Johnny Iuzzini totally gets a spot on my blog. A bouche de noel is basically a Yule Log, and I want to make one because I remember as a kid going to Versailles in Greenwich and seeing the stacks and stacks of boxes filled with bouche de noels before Christmas. Also let's hear it for the French, and their complicated, multi step recipes for what is basically a cake that looks like a branch, complete with meringue fungus. LOVE IT!

The second awful decision I made, is to make a Croquembouche. Again, I must hate myself because I'm sure trying to grow a tree out of my own ear would be less work then this little tree of Cream Puffs, but apparently law school makes me want to punish myself.

I am sure this exercise will teach me a lot, be it a number of new techniques, or that I hate baking and should stop going on Martha when I study because it gives me "ideas".

we'll see if I come to my senses tomorrow at noon. Until then......

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