Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Spice of Life

Martha Is The New Seacrest Edition

This was inspired by two things.
1. I got to see Joel McHale this weekend at the Oakdale in Wallingford...Hilarious, and since we all know his feelings about Ryan Seacrest it seemed appropriate
2. to mention that Martha may be taking over the world via media just like a certain pint-sized American Idol host

Hallmark has officially become The Martha Stewart Chanel....needless to say if I had time I would check out Mad Hungry simply because I love Martha's whole home cooking empire and would not pass up a chance to see a show staring Martha Stewart Living's Food Editor. However, I have no free time and certainly not 9 hours worth to watch all of Martha's new programing. However, I will always make it a point to watch her Date Night segments because they are fabulous. [Warning: that last link is a video so do not open during class/work/funerals/and ironically date night]

This is the coolest thing wants to go!!
It is an exhibit at the Modern Museum of Art called Counter Space; Design and The Modern Kitchen. which "explores the twentieth-century transformation of the kitchen and highlights MoMA’s recent acquisition of an unusually complete example of the iconic “Frankfurt Kitchen,” designed in 1926–27 by the architect Grete Schütte-Lihotzky". The MOMA site also notes that "kitchens have continued to articulate, and at times actively challenge, our relationship to the food we eat, popular attitudes toward the domestic role of women, family life, consumerism, and even political ideology". I think this is pretty much the coolest thing ever [expect much more blog space dedicated to post-modern feminism and definitions of femininity as a result of Kitchen design because my mind is racing with ideas about this]

Also in this vain:
Here is an interesting article to go along with this, between self-titled, non cook, Roberta Smith, who reviewed the show for the Times and Pete Wells. I thought it brought up some really interesting ideas concerning feminist issues and consumer issues concerning the kitchen and its general trend in design. Also here is Ms. Smiths aforementioned review.

Random aside; I love Donald Glover. Enjoyed the "bro-rape" video, Enjoy his character Troy on Community, his stand-up is pretty funny, but I may have a new appreciation for him that is so ridiculous I debated posting it (and then I figured anyone that reads after hearing me do things like discuss the legal history of Fish Chowder or compare a bitter melon to a alien sex-toy is probably not that judgmental)
I am very jealous of his food photography. BEAUTIFUL!!!

I would love for my pictures to look that good, not ignoring the fact that this is a lofty goal for a blogger who has neglected to post a great deal of her food pictures with their corresponding blog because she has been to lazy. But a girl can dream

Apparently the way I cut my steak can ques people in to the fact that I'm American [that is if my accent and love of ketchup didn't clue you in] ps. the Ketchup comment was a loving nod to "foot-in-mouth" contestant Micah on season 3, who during the "Family Favorites" challenge, made a comment about Americans loving ketchup on everything, insulting Ted Allen. She then explained in her defense that it was like saying Indians like putting Chutney on everything, insulting Padma....Hilarious!!! {sadly no clip was available so your on your own on this one)

and three things from Epicurious to enjoy
1. "outside the box" Halloween candy. (the family is too cute)
2. Death Match between our favorite Halloween Candy
3. and an article about cooking with Bling on

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