Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Spice of Life

The Martha Pie Spread, Evil Holiday Merchandising, Apple Crisp Pillow Talk Edition
Blog, I am sorry I have neglected you, Please forgive me with a double post, the Spice of Life and a Week in undisclosed adventures.
To start, let me say that the menu for the Alexandra/P-nut super Thanks-noming gastro-venture is complete. Turkeys will be herbed and roasted, homemade stock made for artisnly crafted stuffing and gravy. Pies will be made so perfect, Martha Stewarts annual pie spread (dirty description sorry) will look in envy upon them. For lack of a more artistic turn of phrase…shits going to be off the chain.


here is our thanksgiving: here is the chain:



notice they are not together....yeah

So anyway, planning is complete.

In other news, I am having a holiday crisis. Now I understand in our current economic climate it is important for retailers to maximize their potential sales for the holidays, and that they may do so by putting out their decorations, gift items, etc for Christmas now. I am not as offended as some of my peers at this with some important limitations: early display of these items is permitted provided:
(a) Thanksgiving is not directly overshadowed by the holiday
(b) no Christmas music, for any purpose, shall be played before the date 11/25
(c) no major Christmas decorations, excepting small posters and table displays, shall be placed in stores before 11/23

Technical? yes. I'm in law school so don't judge me. I sleep like 6 hours a night and spend almost every other waking moment of it studying the law *drolls on self*
Now seemingly all is well with your humble author, and it was until a little blog called Decorista ruined everything for me. I enjoy this blog. A lot. I love interior design. But today when my searches lead me to stylish holiday decorating, I found myself excited at the prospect of decoration, wanting to buy wrapping paper and package tags, problematically two weeks before my own morally acceptable Holiday commencement date. I am in a philosophical quagmire.

On to cooking, I recently (and by recently I mean yesterday) had a much needed girls night with my friend Kate, and I should share that for the first time ever I had acorn squash with brown sugar. I’ve always seen it done that way but never had it myself. And it is delicious. This was served with some chicken with wine sauce (me) and broccoli (her). It was served with a Big House White wine, and let me just say, Big House may be my new favorite, cheaper wine producers. Now I am no sommelier, nor am I in any way shape or form wealthy (insert angry comment about politics here) so I am a fan of decent, go to, cheap wines for your every day drinking. I was previously quite a fan of Big House Red, a wine blend with about 18,000 grapes in it. It’s not sophisticated by any means, but its great for “hey I’m coming to dinner…let me bring the wine” evenings with friends. But I wouldn’t bring it to Martha’s house…in fact I would likely bring a human sacrifice but that’s a different story for a different day. But over all, a good wine for less the fancy dinners. (ps the review link is a great website for finding such wino choices)
I should also add she made me Apple Crisp…let me say this (because I am apparently Richard Nixon) thank God (pun intended) she is a Christian, because she probably could have had her way with me…I looooove apple crisp. And it was banging

Enough of me rambling. Here are your links for the week
OK everyone is freaked out by the Turkey dinner cake but I want to make it. 6 Turkey Recipes

Just put an order if for yAbsolut Brookln, Ill let you know

Not sure what to wear to Thanksgiving, here is some help

and finally, I loved this post from the aforementioned evil blog Decorista about proper table setting. Things my generation need to know to out manner our predecessors

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