Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I'm Feeling OK With My Whiskey (pie) Hangover!

So I felt puckish and decided that rather then enjoy some of my favorite things by sitting down with some seasonal homemade apple pie, and a nice bourbon, I should just mush them together into one dish. It didn't work in the third grade when my classmates and I would mash the entire contents of our lunch trays together. It doesn't work when you can't decide if you want fries or dessert to eat at 11PM when your at a bar and drunk (though that state of mind doesn't stop you from trying). So of course logic told me that fateful morning that it would work for me now.
And believe it or not it did (so suck it)

Here is my pastry brain-child:
Take about 8 apples (I would actually tell you here to use more then me, but I'm not sure how many yet so exact proportions are TBD. So go above and beyond cause I did not and the apples cooked down a lot). Peel and slice them. combine with about 2 tbsp of cinnamon, 1/4 cup sugar and 1/2 a tsp of nutmeg.

In a large saute pan heat butter (2 tbsp) over med-high heat. Add apples and cook for about 5-10 mins (I wanted a nice syrupy consistency to the juice produced by the apples so cook basically until you see that.) Then add between a 1/2 and whole cup of bourbon. (again not sure how the new proportions will work out when I re-do this recipe but go with your gut here)

Let the apples cook down for about 10 mins (you'll have a nice sauce that isn't watery) Place in pie crust, place other crust on top

bake at 375 degrees for 50 mins. (you can try putting aluminum foil around the outside of the crust for the first half of it's cook time to keep it from burning. I am very inconsistent with this and feel it makes little difference at least in my oven)

I served it with Bourbon Whip cream which while being delicious to a functioning alchoholic like myself it was a little strong and you're probably better without (however, it will be awesome on egg nog...noooooooom)

Ok I took my sweet time Posting this because I never got around to loading the pictures like I said I would...but they are coming...I promise

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